Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Oh My Log!"

Highlights of the past week or so, in no particular order:

-I moved my bed and desk (to the only other place they fit...not a whole lot of interior decorating options in here, lol) and now it feels much more spacious in my room!

-Something seemed to click with me yesterday when I was at my troublesome school. It just felt better...though the kids were the same.

-The teachers in my schools all of a sudden started talking to me more this week! I dunno if they finally realized I'm gonna be around all year and they may as well speak to me, lol, or if it's cuz of the Holidays, but I like it!

-One of the teachers I work with invited me to her house on Thursday for coffee!! I was SO excited cuz I've heard of other assistants whose teachers invite them to do things, but it hadn't happened to me.

-I lit my two candles last night, turned on my mini string of christmas lights and read a French tabloid last night in the warmth of my little studio. It was great.

-A little 6 year old today instead of saying "goodbye" when I left shouted "I LOVE YOU!" hahaha I was laughing so hard as I walked out of that school.

-Harry Potter is officially coming to Orleans in English tomorrow! Guess I'll get to see it earlier than I thought :)

-Went to an amature improve night at the community center the other night and before the show we had to write a sentence going along the theme "end of the year" and then put it in a hat. During the show they had random audience members pick out the pieces of paper and read them. I got chosen to choose a paper and out of the probably 100 pieces of paper in there chose my own! CRAZY!

-Last week after one of my French classes my friends and I walked past a bar that we like and saw that there was music inside, so we decided to check it out. It was an American Folk Music night! With a guy from Indiana and a guy from France being the two artists. REALLY cool! It reminded me of the Root Note (which everyone here says I talk about too much...haha EUROPEAN PUBLICITY!)

I'm sure there is more, but those are the ones that come directly to mind. I have some pics on my phone from the Marche de Noel that I'll post on my photobucket account soon. Post coming soon: A Day In the Life Of Meg, France Edition.

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