Monday, September 20, 2010

One day left in the good ol' U.S. of A

Well, here's a little bitty post before I head out a day from now. I'm nervous, but that's okay. I already miss home, and I'm not even gone yet. Wish I were a bit more excited and had less of this sad feeling as I'm leaving. I'm sure once I get there things will be much brighter (albeit hectic!).

Here's a lovely (sarcasm) piece of news I received today. (Side note on how it will affect me: I fly into Paris Thursday morning around 9am and there's a train strike that day, so I'll either have to find one of the few trains NOT on strike in the city and take that to Orleans, or I'll be spending the night in Paris and taking a train on Friday):

So, keep me in your thoughts, I guess, and let's hope the terrorists do not strike, for the sakes of everyone in Paris, myself included!

Can't we all just get along?

I'll update you guys as soon as I can after I get into Orleans so you know I'm safe and secure and in my new home! Wish me luck! :)

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